4/1/11- 5/31/11 Google Place Promo Discount 10% off all wholesale orders. Must meet minimum purchase of $100. Wholesale to business only. Enter coupon code to order online. Coupon code: vrf8zl3wtc169jg
1/5-1/31 G&Z 10th Anniversary Special: 10% off entire store including items currently in special. Coupon code: gz10th2009 (Cannot combine with other offers. Orders received from Wholesale Central store will also enjoy this offer).
10% off quantity discount for the new oriental brocade table runners with purchase of 10 pieces or more (single item).
5% off coupon (gz2008gl) - Offer ends 1/31/08, one time use for Google Checkout only (must meet minimum order amount of $100)
5% Off Coupon for registering at our new G&Z Wholesale Store (Coupon code will be sent to you in the Welcome Email after the account is successfully created. One time offer, will expire on 12/31/07). This offer ONLY apply to orders received from our new store.